A common but risky practice
Many motorists have got into the habit of smoking while driving, without necessarily thinking about the legality or dangers of doing so. However, lighting a cigarette while driving distracts the driver’s attention, which can have consequences for road safety. Let’s take a look at the regulations in force, the risks involved and the impact on health.
What does the law say about smoking and driving?
In France, there is no general ban on smoking at the wheel, but that doesn’t mean the practice is without consequences. The Highway Code sets out a number of provisions that can be applied in the event of dangerous smoking behavior.
Driver inattention
According toarticle R412-6 of the French Highway Code, “all drivers must be in a constant state and position to carry out all maneuvers conveniently and without delay”. In other words, smoking while driving can be punished if it prevents full control of the vehicle.
If a law enforcement officer considers that the driver is not in full possession of his or her faculties because of smoking, he or she can charge the driver with dangerous driving, an offence which can result in a Class 2 fine of 35 euros.

The Presence of Minors on Board
Another important restriction concerns the presence of minors in the vehicle. Since 2016, smoking in a car in the presence of a minor has been strictly prohibited, in accordance with Article L3511-7-2 of the French Public Health Code. This law aims to protect children from passive smoking, a major public health problem.
The offence is punishable by a fixed fine of 135 euros, rising to 750 euros in the event of a repeat offence.
Smoking While Driving: Authorized or Prohibited?
The law does not explicitly prohibit vaping while driving, but the same rules apply as for conventional cigarettes. If the use of an electronic cigarette impairs the driver’s vigilance, a fine may be issued.

The Dangers of Smoking in the Car
A risk of distraction
Lighting a cigarette, handling a lighter, retrieving the packet or accidentally dropping it are all gestures that divert the driver’s attention. It is estimated that a single second of inattention can be fatal on the road, especially at high speed.
Passive Smoking in Closed Environments
In a vehicle, cigarette smoke concentrates quickly, even with the windows open. Passengers inhale air laden with toxic particles, which can aggravate respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly.
Studies have shown that the level of toxins present in the air of a smoking cabin can be up to 10 times higher than the thresholds authorized in public places.
Impact on responsiveness
Nicotine has a stimulating effect which can cause a false sense of alertness, altering the driver’s perception. What’s more, when holding a cigarette, one hand is partially occupied, reducing the ability to react quickly in the event of danger.

What are the penalties for excessive smoke?
If cigarette smoke impairs the driver’s visibility, a fixed fine of 35 euros may be imposed. In extreme cases, if the smoke is deemed dangerous to driving, the offence may be reclassified as dangerous driving, with heavier penalties.
Towards a total ban in the future?
With policies to combat smoking and protect road users, it’s not out of the question that regulations will evolve towards a complete ban on smoking at the wheel. Some countries, such as the UK and Italy, have already adopted strict legislation banning the practice altogether.
Stop Smoking: A Solution to Consider
Given the safety and health risks involved, quitting smoking remains the best option. Today, there are several methods available to help smokers quit.
One of the most effective techniques is anti-smoking laser auriculotherapy. This method involves stimulating specific points in the ear with a low-intensity laser, thereby reducing the desire to smoke and alleviating withdrawal symptoms.
The benefits of Laser Anti-Tobacco
- No drugs or nicotine substitutes: 100% natural method.
- Pain-free and without side effects.
- High success rate: many patients stop after just one session.
- Prevents weight gain associated with withdrawal.
By combining a physical and psychological approach, this technique considerably increases the chances of success for those wishing to quit smoking for good.
Today, 90% of people who have tried the anti-smoking laser method have quit smoking.
You may also be interested in this article: Anti-smoking and addiction laser training
Smoking while driving is not strictly forbidden by law, but it can lead to penalties if it compromises road safety. Between the risks of distraction, the impact on passengers and existing regulations, it’s essential to be aware of the dangers of this habit behind the wheel.
For those who want to go one step further and get rid of tobacco for good, laser anti-tobacco auriculotherapy is an effective, natural and stress-free solution. Giving up cigarettes not only improves your safety in the car, it also protects your health and that of others.