contraception et cigarette

Smoking during emergency contraception: is it dangerous?

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Emergency contraception, also known as the morning-after pill, is a one-off solution for preventing unwanted pregnancy after unprotected intercourse or in the event ofcontraceptive failure. In France, it is widely available in pharmacies, and young women can obtain it without a prescription in certain cases. However, despite its accessibility and effectiveness, certain factors can influence its hormonal action, notably tobacco consumption.

Smoking, well known for its harmful effects on cardiovascular and hormonal health, could compromise the efficacy of emergency contraception and worsen its side effects. Nicotine and other toxic substances contained in cigarettes influence blood circulation and the metabolism of contraceptive hormones, and increase certain health risks.

In this article, we’ll look in detail at the interactions between smoking and emergency contraception, the risks for smokers, and possible alternatives to ensure safe and effective contraception.

How does emergency contraception work?

The different types of emergency contraception

Emergency contraception is based on two main hormonal methods and a mechanical alternative:

In France, these contraceptives are available in pharmacies, some mutual insurance companies reimburse them, and minors can obtain them free of charge and anonymously from family planning centers.

Why this diversity of solutions? Every woman reacts differently to hormones, and the choice of method depends on the situation (time of cycle, state of health, smoking, drug interactions).

The impact of smoking on the efficacy of emergency contraception

Smoking has a direct influence on the absorption and metabolism of the hormones contained in emergency contraception. The toxic substances present in cigarettes, particularly nicotine, disrupt several physiological processes:

Important recommendation: To maximize the effectiveness of emergency contraception, smokers are advised to wait several hours before smoking after taking it, and to drink plenty of fluids to facilitate hormonal absorption.

Smoking and emergency contraception: what are the health risks?

Increased side effects

Female smokers are more exposed to the side effects of emergency contraception. In addition to classic symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, headaches and fatigue, smoking can aggravate these adverse reactions due to its toxic effect on the vascular and digestive systems.

👉 Practical tip: to minimize these inconveniences, smokers should avoid smoking in the hours following intake, and opt for a light, hydrating diet to help cope with the side effects.

Cardiovascular risks and thrombosis

The combination of smoking and hormonal contraceptives, even when used only occasionally, such as the morning-after pill, exposes you to increased risks of thrombosis and cardiovascular disease. Tobacco alters blood fluidity and raises blood pressure, creating a breeding ground for blood clots and vascular complications.

  • Risk of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis): Nicotine promoteshypercoagulability of the blood, which can lead to clots in deep veins, particularly in female smokers over 35.
  • Pulmonary embolism and stroke: The combination of smoking and the emergency contraceptive pill increases the risk of blood clots migrating to the lungs or brain, leading to serious, even fatal complications. A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals that smokers taking hormonal contraceptives are 20 times more likely to suffer thromboembolic events.
  • High blood pressure: Regular tobacco consumption leads to chronic vasoconstriction, which can disrupt contraceptive efficacy and increase the likelihood of cardiovascular complications.

👉 Medical recommendation: Regular smokers should opt for non-hormonal alternatives, such as the copper IUD, which presents no cardiovascular risk and offers effective protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Best practices to minimize risks

Taking the morning-after pill correctly

To maximize the effectiveness of emergency contraception, it is essential to follow certain rules when taking it. Incorrect use can reduce its effectiveness, increasing the risk of unwanted pregnancy.

  • Take the pill as soon as possible: The morning-after pill is most effective when taken immediately after unprotected intercourse. It is 95% effective in the first 24 hours, but gradually declines to 58% after 72 hours for levonorgestrel.
  • Check for drug interactions: Certain medications, such as epilepsy treatments or antiretrovirals, can alter the effectiveness of emergency contraception. If in doubt, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Avoid smoking after taking: Smoking immediately after ingestion can increase side effects such as nausea, dizziness and abdominal pain. Abundant hydration and a light diet can help you cope better with the contraceptive.
  • Watch out for side effects: If the pill causes vomiting within three hours of taking it, it’s imperative to start a new dose immediately.

👉 Tip: Women who smoke should bear in mind a reliable emergency contraceptive alternative, such as the copper IUD, which guarantees over 99% efficacy and is not influenced by hormonal metabolism.

You may also be interested in this article: Tobacco and teeth: what impact does smoking have on your teeth and gums?

Opt for safer alternatives

Smokers exposed to increased risks associated with hormonal contraception should consider more suitable methods to avoid complications.

  • The copper IUD: Unlike the morning-after pill, this device is hormone-free and poses no cardiovascular risk. It is immediately effective and can be used as emergency contraception up to 5 days after high-risk intercourse. What’s more, it offers lasting protection against pregnancy for up to 10 years.
  • The condom: It remains one of the best solutions for avoiding unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Unfortunately, its use is sometimes neglected due to lack of information or habit.
  • The diaphragm: Less well known, the diaphragm is an effective mechanical alternative for some women, although it requires correct fitting and the use of spermicide to be fully functional.

👉 Good to know: For smokers who want continuous hormonal contraception, we recommend estrogen-free methods such as progestin-only pills,contraceptive implants or hormonal intrauterine devices, under medical supervision.

Quitting smoking for more effective contraception

Quitting smoking is the best way to reduce the risks associated with hormonal contraceptives and optimize their efficacy. Nicotine and other toxic substances in tobacco disrupt hormonal balance, increase cardiovascular risk and reduce tolerance to emergency contraceptives.

  • Improved blood circulation:Stopping smoking immediately reduces the negative effects of nicotine on blood vessels, lowering the risk of thrombosis and hypertension.
  • Better assimilation of hormones: after a few weeks without tobacco, liver metabolism returns to normal, enabling hormonal contraceptives to be more effective and better tolerated.
  • Reduced side effects: When you stop smoking, the nausea, dizziness and headaches often experienced after taking an emergency pill are considerably reduced.

For those who want to quit, there are natural, non-invasive methods available. Laser auriculotherapy, available at, helps reduce cravings in just a few sessions, with no side effects.

👉 Health tip: If in doubt about the best contraceptive method to adopt as a smoker, it’s advisable to consult a doctor or gynecologist for a personalized assessment.


While emergency contraception is an effective way of avoiding an unwanted pregnancy, smokers need to be particularly vigilant. Smoking can alter the efficacy of contraceptives, aggravate their side effects and increase cardiovascular risks.

To ensure safer contraception, we recommend :

  • Choose contraceptives suitable for smokers, such as the copper IUD.
  • Avoid smoking after taking the pill to limit side effects.
  • Consider smoking cessation, with solutions such as laser auriculotherapy, which helps restore optimal hormonal balance.

Quitting smoking not only improves reproductive health, but also helps to preserve overall health. For those wishing to put an end to their addiction, solutions such as those offered by offer support for effective, natural weaning.

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